Business Consulting
Starting a business can be both exciting and scary all at the same time. It is the bedrock of the American dream to be a successful entrepreneur. However, the creation and daily operation of a business requires strategic insight and planning that is materialized in effective management. Any business, no matter how innovative the idea, can fail if it is no properly formed, financed, and managed. Allow Griffen Law Firm to help you create a solid strategic position and impenetrable business plan that will allow success not only in the short run, but in years to come. Consulting services include:
Business incorporation
Business plan creation
Business plan modification
Management review
Contract Creation
Contract Modification
Project Management
Commercial Litigation
Because the concepts involved in business law and commercial litigation are so complicated, these cases are best handled an attorney experience in both business and law. At Griffen Law Firm, we understand how difficult these cases can be and can represent you for any type of case including the following:
Breach of contract or contract misinterpretation
Contract interference
Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) disputes
Breach of fiduciary duty
Non-compete agreements
Franchise disputes and franchise creations
Business dissolutions and business creations
Corporate management disputes
Employee-employer relationship disputes